Using contemporary celebrity portraits, students use a range of tissue paper and coloured card to build a mixed media surface before working paint and pastels over the top. Celebrity templates provided - to create additional templates - copy a portrait image from google and move over to microsoft word and simply adjust the picture settings.
This resource looks into the origins of graffiti and demonstrates step by step how to build up a word using iconic graffiti typography. Watercolours are used in a gradient technique to complete the graffiti text. Easy and simple powerpont to follow and deliver to students.
An exciting scheme of work looking at the distorted style of Picasso and creating a three dimensional relief portrait using cardboard. This pack also contains the design stage and exemplar work explaining the step by step construction process and how to build up different relief techniques.
This powerpoint explains the basics of a simple mono-printing process. It demonstrates best practice and the correct method or printing - the resource also outlines differentiated images to use when working with a mixed ability group. Always use scrap paper to blot 4 times after ink rolling to ensure a pristine clean background.
A fantastic project homework if you are looking for students to get practical and hands on. The resource includes various examples on how to approach the junk bug idea and different materials that can be used that are easily accessible to find and incorporate. I often give students the chance to pair up with a friend and allocate 3/4 for completion.
Students are taught how to draw out the enlarged butterfly wing using a simple 2x2 grid method before the application of pastels. Visual exemplars differentiate the correct technique and the blending process. This resource also comes with the butterfly wing image pre-gridded. Pastel application work best on off white paper.
A 2 part assessment lesson to begin the Autumn Term. This Baseline assessment allows you establish your class needs through a simple drawing task and introduction to an Artist Analysis
Resources to support the delivery of this years exam component including (ADAPTABLE TO SUIT)
Assessment objective breakdown (1 - 9)
Extensive visual ideas and artist inspiration
Starting points for each theme
Exam Plan resource for students
Examples for each A0 and explanation
Exam Checklist for students
Powerpoint slides to support lesson by lesson progress
A booklet to support practical work which includes lesson starters, progress logs, homework tasks as well as self, peer and teacher assessment.
Adaptable PP to follow along side.
Includes a wide range of artists and starting points linked to the following AQA themes
Places & Spaces
Curved & Straight
Image & Word
Also includes editable exam plan resource as well as potential time line for work submission.
Based upon the creative and experimental idea of the Wreck this journal - students work lesson by lesson fulfilling little tasks centered around the formal elements of Art such as shape, line, tone, texture and space.
A fun and engaging way to get students to think about analysing Art. The grid is used to help promote discussion points, using dice to decide which question to talk about.
One of the most successful project homeworks I have devised. A wide range of differentiated tasks suitable for all students to engage and participate. Great outcomes every time! The powerpoint explains the project and provides endless exemplar ideas.
A great resource to get students thinking about the deeper meaning of Banksy’s work which leads to a mono-print technique. The power point visually demonstrates the correct printing technique for a smooth teaching delivery.